Magellan's Cross

Magellans Cross
 This was my eight destination in Going Back to the History of Cebu

After my early lunch in a food stall near Casa Gorordo Museum, I proceeded to my next destination which is the Magellan's Cross. This itinerary was the one that the receptionist in Cebu Cathedral Museum  shared to me, so I followed it.  From the museum, I walked more than 400 meters going to this spot.  There were jeepneys passing the same highway, but I chose to walk to discover new things along the way.

Cebu Historical Places
I asked the people if where's the right way going to this site and they were so kind to me.  I didn't use my map because it's more complicated and I don't want to stare on the map while walking on the sidewalk.  Before I reached the cross, I passed by the gate of Santo Niño Museum.  I tried to enter that gate, but the guards didn't allow me, instead, they instructed me to enter on the entrance beside the rotunda of the cross.Magellan's Cross is Christian cross made up of wood erected by Ferdinand Magellan (a Portuguese explorer) during his exploration in Cebu, Philippines on April 21, 1521.  This cross can be found inside an octagonal chapel in front of Cebu City Hall and beside Basilica Minore del Santo Niño.  This one of the most prominent tourist spot in Cebu and Philippines.  But, the cross that you can see today is a tindalo wood where the splinters of the original Magellan's Cross were encased.  The wood of the original cross were deteriorated because the people were chipping some parts and making it as a souvenir in the belief that it's miraculous.

Magellans Cross Cebu
The chapel of this cross is made from stone and was built in 1841.  Then the new cross encasing the splinters of the old cross was established in 1845.  This exact location was the place where Cebu's Rajah Humabon, his wife Juana and 800 followers were baptized on April 14, 1521 and that was the very first Catholic mass in the Philippines.  The ceiling of the chapel shows how Magellan instructed the local laborers building this structure.  It also contains an image on how the people of Cebu was converted into Christianity.  Then, beside this chapel, another heritage site can be found - it's Basilica Minore del Santo Niño

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