St. Agustine Church

After the Biak na Bato National Park escapade and the church hunting along the highway, I was going to my friend's house to spend my night there.  Since there were no other routes that I can take, just the highway passing the mall in the area.  So I  decided to get off the jeep in the entrance of the mall then took a short break.  I was in SM Baliaug to take a rest and to do some personal stuff in the mall.  My backpack was still on my back and I was looking for a nice place to take a few minutes of rest and then do some review in my list.

I finally saw one table and a chair in the food court available, so I grabbed it.  Wow! the feeling was so great, after few hours of walk, finally I've got the perfect rest with cool ambiance.  The Ice Tea that I bought there cleans my tired throat a lot!  While staring on others activity, I realize that I still have time and I need more place to visit nearby, until I saw my list and it's within the area, so I ask some people and drivers outside the mall and here's the first church of Baliuag.

The church was built by Father Gregorio Giner.  But, in 1830, Father Esteban Diaz rebuilt this structure and in 1866 the Bell Tower was completed by Father Matias Novoa.  July 19, 1880, this church was damaged by an  earthquake and was repaired by Father Thomas Gresa. Constructed between 1769 to 1774, the style of Baliuag church is Baroque as seen on the facade and interiors.  Damaric tension is created by the interplay of volumes and openings.  The Practico is the late addition which mars the complete layout of style. - source:

This is a small monument near the entrance of the Church
Since this structure is almost in the middle of Baliuag, the government created a small park beside the Baliaug Clock Tower.  The open space serves as the resting place of those people from the church and for the tourist as well.  In the left side, their is a small portion that they put some food stalls, perfect for Backpackers and tourists.

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