Why do I travel Alone?
Travelling alone? that sounds weird, am I right? Maybe some people will not appreciate it, but I am truly happy in doing it. I can't consider myself as Backpacker, because I always travel alone or together with just one friend and the fact that I travel 24 Hours. The longest travel that I had was 30 Hours including my night sleep for 7 hours. For eight months, I was able to travel some provinces, but some of them were together with Batang Hamog Mountaineers.
Travelling in some places, eating some local and exotic delicacies, taking remarkable photos and encountering many people - those are just some part of my travel experiences.

Since I was young, I really love travelling and that time, I don't have digital camera yet, I have no idea about blogging; there was no facebook, no twitter, no anything that I can do to spread some of my beautiful memories to other people around the world who have the same passion in life, and that's - Travelling.
" 2007, from Romblon going to Manila to seek greener pasture," that's my statement everytime that someone asked me why I am working here in Manila instead of working in Romblon. Well, that time I was just 18 years old turning 19, and I already knew what I want in the future. For more than three years, I focused on my chosen career - Call Center Industry because that time, I thought I will be going to find the real happiness in receiving my salary every two weeks, but I doesn't work, I am still looking for something that could make me happy - the happiness that I could share to other people in simple ways; the happiness that I could to share to my friends and love ones; the happiness that I could say: " Lord, thank You so much for everything! "
" 2007, from Romblon going to Manila to seek greener pasture," that's my statement everytime that someone asked me why I am working here in Manila instead of working in Romblon. Well, that time I was just 18 years old turning 19, and I already knew what I want in the future. For more than three years, I focused on my chosen career - Call Center Industry because that time, I thought I will be going to find the real happiness in receiving my salary every two weeks, but I doesn't work, I am still looking for something that could make me happy - the happiness that I could share to other people in simple ways; the happiness that I could to share to my friends and love ones; the happiness that I could say: " Lord, thank You so much for everything! "
March 2012, together with my friends, we visited Potipot Island, Zambales, Philippines and that time I was able to feel the real happiness with the beauty of nature. At last! for 2 days, I was able to find and experience that something that I've been looking for and that was the start of my new interest.
Together with my backpack with some important thing inside, I was able to reach some places alone. I really can't explain why I always feel comfortable travelling alone. There is something that I still can't explain about it.
In travelling, you can find happiness but remember you may also encounter some problems, so read this helpful information to gear you up in you chosen interest.
What are the Advantages in Travelling alone?
First, I developed self confidence in facing different kind of people. To get into the places that you want, you need to ask questions to the residents. Not just asking questions, you also need to be powerful in every situations, remember, not all the people are honest.
Second, I can go to wherever I want without hesitations. Good thing about it is that, I can follow my own Itinerary. I am just thinking about myself, sometimes setting up the Date and Time for your travel can be very challenging especially if you're travelling with someone. Your time may not vary with your companion's time.
Third, I can spend my time or maximize it whenever I want. I can manage my own time without thinking others.
Fourth, I've learned how to create my own budget plan. Since I am using my own money, I am the only one who knows how much is my budget for a specific trip will be. I can take any modes of travel, just to lessen my expenses for future use.
Fifth, travelling alone is perfect for those people who seek extreme travel challenges. Since I am travelling alone for few months now, the travel challenges are easy to deal with. Travelling with other people/locals in any mode of transportation is an amazing experience.
Sixth, I can personalize my own trip. I can include or exclude any part of my itinerary (if I have IT, but, mostly I don't create) without getting others opinion - I think it is still part of the third.
Many travelers create their own itinerary or their travel plans but, sometimes it doesn't work for me. So, every time I travel, I just create a list of the places I want to visit - to save time. I also take note of the mode of transportation to take with the most recent fare value - for budgeting purposes.
What are the Disadvantages in Travelling Alone?
First is of course is the security. In my case, good thing that I am always secured in my travel, but for those women who want to try this interest, you need to make sure that you're 100 percent sure about it, to the consequences that you may encounter.
Second, I handle all my finances. Since I am the only one who travel, I already expected that my finances will be higher compared in travelling by group. So, I suggest do everything to save a single centavo.
Third, you will be going to exert all the efforts that you'll need while travelling. You need to be comfortable asking questions to other people. The word SHY is not applicable in any travel situations, you need to learn everything through other people - we can also include this in Advantages in positive way.
Fourth, if you are a type of person who always miss your loved-ones, be careful about this situation, because their will be a time that you may experience loneliness and boredom. In this matter, you need to create something that you can focus on just to release that loneliness.
Lastly, you will be going to bring your own gears which can be very stressful while travelling. This is the main reason why my travels lasts just within 24 hours, because I don't want to bring a lot.
Those are just based in my opinion and experiences, but this will be helpful to those people who are planning to create their own path in travelling. All I can say: " be careful in everything, from the people around you up to the simple thing, while you're travelling "