Lola Helen Panciteria

Lola Helen Panciteria
December 4, 2013 - We had one hour jogging in Marikina Sports Complex.  That was my second day to be in that Complex, and of course I spent thousand of calories for the entire activity, so we need to replenish our lost energy.  Marikina City is famous not only to their shoe-products, they also have several dishes which originally came from here.  

December 3, after we had our jogging, we ate at Bancheto just beside the Sport Complex, and we ordered grilled foods, and I can't forget the 2 inches soda cup there.  But, this day, we want a new dish for our empty stomach, we want soup, but since soup dishes mostly served every morning, we asked the guard if where is the location of the Restuarant known for their Pancit.  And they answered appropriately, plus they promoted it to us: " Lola Hellen Panciteria " is one of the famous restaurant serving Pancit.
Where to Eat in Marikina

Best Pancit


To all the travelers, or if you'll have time to visit the Marikina Sport Complex, or just in Marikina City, you can visit this simple resto, but they serve a mouth watering pancit products.  We ordered 3 dishes plus 2 cup of rice and we paid less that 500 pesos, take note, we were only three that time, so Mae had a chance to bring home the taste of Marikina in Cainta, Rizal, well it's just few kilometers.

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